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Dear Parishioners of St Elizabeth Ann Seton,

Archbishop George Lucas met with me recently to inform me of his desire to appoint me as pastor of Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church in Omaha.  In filial obedience, I accepted this request of the Church.  I have never said “no” to the Church whom I love and have given my life.

That being said, to you, my dear parishioners, who I have served and loved for the past 5+ years, you need to know that in no way did I seek this out.  In fact, it was my ardent desire to remain as your pastor.  But when Jesus calls through his apostles, the bishops, you respond in fidelity.

Let’s keep each other in prayer as we approach this transition together. The assignment is          effective October 1.  I am already praying for your new pastor, whoever he may be.  My heartfelt gratitude to all of you, especially so soon after my mother’s earthly passing. You have been         extraordinary. Being your pastor has been an amazing grace in my priesthood!  I love you all.


Fr. Ryan Lewis





Mass Times

Monday-Friday 5:30 p.m.
Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.


  • Sun, Sep 1st

  • Sun, Aug 25th

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
9:00 am to Noon;
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Office closed from Noon to 1:00 pm

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